SME JoinUp Blog (2012)

Articles and News relevant to the SME community

Working Capital Financing – Quickest, Easiest & Safest Finance Solution for SMEs February 10, 2012

For the small & medium enterprises to function smoothly and have a constant growth in future, there is a need for continuous organized finance, that too from a reliable source. While it is a known fact that risks & speculations will always be an integral part of a growing business, successful entrepreneurs are those who keep funds available to back their strategies in order to undertake such risks.

Business experts indicate that, in order for your company to grow beyond defined boundaries, forecast the trends of future markets, create a commendable infrastructure, run successful marketing & promotional campaigns and simply pay off debts, dependable working capital finance is required.

Given the present business scenario, the key to a growing & successful business is to align it with the latest technologies. However, while applying techno-friendly strategies would accelerate the productivity & work flow of the company & help it get an edge over its competitors, incorporating these technicalities would also require a considerable amount of investment on your part and for that, what you require is a working capital boost.

For any startup business to reach out to its target audience & create a long-lasting impact, an effective promotional and marketing campaign is a must. The thing to note hear is that, even if you have been in the business for a long time, still in order to ensure that you do not take a backseat in the minds of people, it is important for you to continue with your promotional campaigns. Since, most of these campaigns are expensive; you again require a continuous working capital.

A part & parcel of every business whether new or old, is Debt Management. In order to ensure that you are not overburdened with debts at any point of time, it is important that you repay your debts at regular intervals. This ideally would require a continuous cash flow.

These are some business demands & needs that are bound to spring-up irrespective of the fact that you are a startup or an established company. This is where Working Capital Financing proves extremely useful for the entrepreneurs. Quick finance for meeting all these demands can easily be availed within 72 hours of application, that too without any application fee or collateral or any personal guarantee.

The most interesting thing about working capital finance however is its repayment scheme. Unlike other kinds of capital finances, working capital finance does not follow a fixed repayment schedule. It is only when a sale is made, that a certain amount automatically gets deducted from it as the repayment of the capital. For the loyal customers who are regular with their repayments, there are special programs & incentives.

Thus, in case you are looking for a spry financing option to meet the demands of your business, do not forget to consider working capital financing as the easiest & safest finance option and send  a request on or email us on